Monday, January 5, 2015

Finding Malicious Activity

Prior to going crazy with tons of network indicators, we need to know how to search through many text based log files in order to find malicious activity. How do we doing this? Regular expressions (regex) are the answer. Knowing how to write a regex query is not required (so long as you already have a query you can use), but it is certainly helpful (seriously though, learn it). A trend with this blog is that most of my work will be done on a Windows machine, unless there is no Windows alternative to a piece of software.

In order to dig through thousands of lines of text we will use a tool called grepWin. As its name implies, it is a Windows based grep tool and will allow us to dig through files using regex or text based searches. As we know, finding threats is never a one-shot deal. We may find a new indicator and we will need to dig through old logs files (again, and again, and...) to see if there has been past activity that we may have missed.

So where do we find pre-made regex queries? There are a few sites, such as; MalwareSigs, CoffeeShopSecurity, and many Snort rules. Grab those expressions, toss them into grepWin and press the search button. Too easy right? OK, grepWin is pretty straight forward. Make sure you enter the location of the files in the "Search in" field (preferably these files should be in a comma separated format). In the "Search" section, choose "Regex search" and enter the regex query into the "Search for" field; if you click the / button it will allow for multiple lines of regex which comes in very useful. Under the "Limit search" section, select "All sizes" and "Include subfolders."

Before you press that search button, you want to make sure your regex will work. The grepWin application allows you to test the query, but I prefer something a bit more visual It tests your query against a text string and will also give you an explanation of the regex query, which is great when you are learning, and it will let you know if there is a match. Let's do a quick test run on that website and use the following information:
Regular Expression: \/([a-z]{3})\?alpha=
Test String: hXXp://
The regex query will search for the Mudrop infection, and the test string is/was an actual host used by Mudrop (don't go to the site). Read through the explanation on the right if you are unfamiliar with regex. Also, notice how it matched on "/gdi?alpha=" in the URI. Now that we know the regex will work, go ahead and click the search button in grepWin and, depending on how many files you have, grab a cup of coffee.

If grepWin found any hits, it will display them in the "Search results" window. On the bottom right of the application you will see "Files" and "Content." Files will show all of individual files with content that matched the query, and Content will show each individual line within those files. You can open each file by right clicking the line and selecting Open. After digging through your search results you can grab any unique indicators to create new alerts and use those indicators to dig deeper to find more malicious activity.

That's it, pretty straight forward. There are, of course, many other tools that can be used to find malicious activity but this is a good start if you are fresh. When performing these kinds of searches, always keep notes of the regex strings you have used as well as any unique indicators. If you really want to have some fun, grab about 10 through 20 regex strings and run a multi-line search on your log files. You may be surprised, or saddened, by what you find.

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