The best place to find these values are proxy logs, so you will need to know the field name that your proxy server uses to identify the user-agent string: I believe the field in BlueCoat proxy logs is cs(User-Agent) but yours may be different. Below is a list of user-agent strings that I have seen in our logs and have confirmed that they have been used by malware; there are many other out there, but I will not include those. I have also included a line that you can use to dig through old logs in order to locate past infections.
Malware: Houdini / Iniduoh / njRAT
This one should pop right out in your logs. It uses the below characters as a field separator, so there will be several of these in the user-agent field.
- User-agent contains: <|>
- Regex: <\|>
- Regex: ((\w+)|(\W+))((<\|>)|(\\))((\w+)|(\W+))((<\|>)|(\\))((\w+)|(\W+))((<\|>)|(\\))[^<|\\]+((<\|>)|(\\))((\w+)|(\W+))[^<|\\]+((<\|>)|(\\))[^<|\\]+((\w+)|(\W+))((\w+)|(\W+))+
- I did not write the above regex for this one and I cannot remember where I found it, so I am unable to give credit. If it's yours then please let me know.
Malware: Zero Access
- User-agent: nsis_inetc (mozilla)
- Regex: nsis_inetc\s\(mozilla\)
Malware: Generic Trojan
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 WinInet
- Regex: Mozilla\/5\.0\sWinInet
Malware: Dyre / Upatre
The following string was found on a Windows machine.
- User-agent: Wget/1.9+cvs-stable (Red Hat modified)
- Regex: Wget\/1\.9\+cvs-stable\s\(Red\sHat\smodified\)
Malware: Generic password stealing Trojan
- User-agent: RookIE/1.0
- Regex: RookIE\/1\.0
The following two user-agent strings will require the use of Log Parser. Attempting to do a regex search with these will return a large amount of results.
Malware: Tupym
Although AutoIt is legitemate, finding this user-agent may be malicious. Make sure you investigate this a bit further if you find it in your log files.
- User-agent: AutoIt
- SQL: SELECT [user-agent column name] FROM [file path] WHERE [user-agent column name] = 'AutoIt'
Malware: HkMain
Yes, this was actually found in proxy logs.
- User-agent: M
- SQL: SELECT [user-agent column name] FROM [file path] WHERE [user-agent column name] = 'M'
The agents listed below have a high certainty of being malicious, but investigate further as they are very close to being legitimate user-agent values.
Malware: Egamipload
- User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)
- Regex: Mozilla\/4\.0\s\(compatible;\sMSIE\s8\.0;\sWindows\sNT\s5\.1;\sTrident\/4\.0\)
Malware: Botnet / Adware
This was found in a known botnet as well as some adware.
- User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
- Regex: Mozilla\/4\.0\s\(compatible;\sMSIE\s6\.0;\sWindows\sNT\s5\.1;\sSV1\)
Malware: Yakes
Notice the lack of spacing within the parantheses.
- User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;MSIE 7.0;Windows NT 6.0)
- Regex: Mozilla\/4\.0\s\(compatible;MSIE\s7\.0;Windows\sNT\s6\.0\)
That is it for now. I will add a separate page for these in the future as I continue to find more malicious user-agent strings.
Further reading:
- Deepend Security - great repository of malicious traffic values.
- Malware Traffic Patterns - more indicators and analysis than you can handle.
- 2013 User-agent Blacklist - old but it still contains useful data.